Our last day in Munich, was not spend in Munich, we took a trip to Dachau and then headed to the conference.
Dachau Castle GroundsUnfortunately, everything was closed.... So we just walked around, it was kind of interesting as the city is older than Munich, but wasn't what we had been planning on. We were able to sneak (through an open gate) into the english garden of the castle, which was pretty cool.

A Panorama of the Castle and surrounding grounds. Or as Eric would call it a "Panoramajama"

A Cool Tree Tunnel

Me and the Castle
We next went to the conference. Since we are cheap we walked the 2 km from the train station to the hotel. As you can see in the picture below the weather is perfect.

So far the conference has not had a lot of picture opportunities, other than perhaps the rather sketchy laundry room that I used....
Hope you enjoyed the pictures... more to come once we turn our room into the party room ;).
im your favorite reader here!
very awsome.
very cool.
very cool.
well its nice to know that you have great hits here.
very awsome.
what happened to the other one?
i think you add more info about it.
very cool.
Please post detailed instructions for turning one (1) normal room into one (1) party room, plzkthnx!
Sweet, I got a lot of comments!! People must love my pictures. :-/
@toddler: Well you start by buying lots of booze, which is very very cheap here, which is cool. Then you throw in the babes, eventually some guys (especially CS guys will come). Viola, normal room to party room in two easy steps. I wish I had already kidnapped the Bavarian beer maiden for you guys.
@immigration_guam: I have no idea what you are talking about
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